My approach

In order to get a clear picture of your background and your wishes, the first session starts with a comprehensive intake. You will then get a recommendation for treatment. The content of every consult is in accordance with your specific situation and wishes. At the start of each session, we discuss what is occupying your mind at this moment. The session is adjusted to this. Hypnotherapy is a short-term, practical and effective therapy. On the average, eight sessions are enough, although some problems can be solved in a matter of a few weeks.

Practical Information

Home Office Levantkade

Presently I receive hypnotherapy clients at my home office. This personal location is on the unique KNSM Island, in the east of the city. It is easily accessible by public transport (bus 43, 65 and tram 7 stop Azartplein and tram 26 Rietlandpark) or bicycle. There is plenty of (paid) parking as well, also on the KNSM-laan.


A consult averages 90 minutes. The rate is €180 per session. This can be paid afterwards by payment request or invoice. The fee is for hypnotherapy and is exempted from VAT.


Monday:         9:30, 11:30, 14:00, 16:00
Wednesday:   9:30, 11:30, 14:00, 16:00
Friday:            9:30, 11:30, 14:00, 16:00

Appointments outside of these hours are available upon request for a €20 surcharge.


The treatment is strictly confidential and falls under the code of professional privacy. Information will be released to others (for instance a GP or specialist) only with your explicit permission. Even when the treatment is compensated by a third party (insurance company for instance), no part of the conversations will be discussed without your explicit permission. For more information about privacy, please click here.


Hypnotherapy is partially compensated by most additional insurance policies. Please consult your insurance provider and/or click here for the most recent overview in the Zorgwijzer. It is also possible to be treated without the intervention of an insurance provider. 

Payment and cancelation of an appointment

Payment is made after every consult, either by payment request or invoice. Appointments can be canceled or changed free of charge 96 hours beforehand. Appointment that are canceled or changed after this time will be charged.

General terms and conditions

NBVH-membership number: 18026
As a member of the Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Hypnotherapeuten (Dutch Professional Association of Hypnotherapists, NBVH), I am required to follow the Professional Code of the NBVH and am subject to their Complaint Code.


Should you be dissatisfied and we cannot agree on a position, you can contact the NBVH and make an appeal with the Complaints Commissioner as is prescribed in the Law Quality, Complaints and Differences Healthcare.As a consequence of this Law, I am also a member of the Complaints Authority of the SCAG.

RBCZ-licence code: 190143R
I am registered with the Register Beroepsbeoefenaren Complementaire Zorg. As a Registertherapeut BCZ® I am subject to TCZ Tuchtrecht (Disciplinary Law).

My AGB-healthgiver number is: 90-106285

My AGB-healthcare practice code is: 90-065504

Life in Harmony is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce: 53853849

Schedule a Free Introductory Meeting

Home Office Levantkade
